Hello fans of #hugefeet and the best #footmasters
with the hottest #malefeet we finally got a new Top 11-20
of your fav #footdoms #footalphas please vote
again on #footkingspoll
Hello fans of #hugefeet and the best #footmasters
with the hottest #malefeet we finally got a new Top 11-20
of your fav #footdoms #footalphas please vote
again on #footkingspoll
Happy 4th of July #americanmaster and #footfans
We got a new top 21-30 of the best #footmasters
with the hottest #malefeet on #footkingspoll
all cam approved #skypemasters votes please as well
The young German #footmaster from Berlin
the cam approved #dommaster22 aka #germanprince22
with real footslaves
a rich alphadom with hot #malefeet
new photos on http://www.mastertim.de
Hey friends of #malefeet and #footdoms just updated
the top 31-40 of your fav #footmasters on #footkingspoll
vote as your own as well on
The 21 yo #chicagomaster the #footprince
#masterfabien is back with new photos and videos
now 145 photos and 12 videos = 66 minute running time
of his soft #malefeet #ticklishfeet and his contactinfos on
So we got a bit late the jury votes
from westcoast USA but last minute will count his votes as well
soon full TOP list ready, thanx a lot your votes #skaterkyle
Just updated the Top 41-60 on #footkingspoll
Who is your fav #footmaster with best #malefeet
#american #musclestud #northernalpha or #sirkraze
#asianmasteralan or #ukmaster or a #latinomaster like
#dsuprememaster or #masterney vote here
Hey #footslaves and fans of #malefeet
just updated the Top 61-70 of your fav #footmasters
with the hottest #malefeet who is you fav #footalpha
#masterheem #mastertiago #masterdrc or somebody else
please vote here
Thanx #footslaves and fans of #malefeet
we got a new Top 71-93 on #footkingspoll
Who is your fav #footmaster with #hugefeet
#masterdustin or #latinomaster or a #musclestud ???
vote here http://www.footkingspoll.de/top80.html
The great #americanmaster #michiganmaster
the footking #MasterDevin with size 12 #malefeet
80 photos and skype.id on