Happy birthday to the #legendarymaster the awesome #Majestyamar #kingamar over 15 years here a serious #findom and #footdom with hot #malefeet wish you all the best more of him on #feetpower http://www.feetpower.de/amar.html
Monatliche Archive:August 2021
MasterHeem August 2021
The #youngalpha and #calimaster the great #masterheem and his #size13feet #malefeet new stuff of this #footdom on #mastertim 180 photos for members http://www.mastertim.de/
The NZPrince with an update
Here we go again #footfans and fans of #malefeet the #nzprince is back with new stuff you can find 440 photos of this #footprince on #feetpower and his contactinfos as well http://www.feetpower.de/
New FootPrince from Venezuela
The first #footmaster from Venezuela is the 20 yo #size10master a great #latinomaster with hot #malefeet Telegram @AndreSize10 more of this #footdom to come vote for him on #footkingspoll http://www.footkingspoll.de/newbies.html
Award 21 BestMaster in Undies
Hey #footfans who is your fav #footmaster in undies ? Vote for the best please today on #footkingspoll http://www.footkingspoll.de/award21.html
KingTanned update 2021
The great #ukmaster #kingtanned and his hot #malefeet just added 50 new photos of this #footmaster to #feetpower http://www.feetpower.de/
GermanPimp August 2021
The #germanmaster and #footking the #modelmaster #germanpimp is back with 30 exclusive photos of his #malefeet and a 4 mins video now 540 photos of this #footdom #cashgolem only on mastertim and 19 videos= 61 minutes for #footslaves http://www.mastertim.de/
MasterDax Summer 2021
The 19 yo #texasmaster #masterdax and his #size15feet 50 new photos of this #footmaster and his #malefeet now on #mastertim http://www.mastertim.de/
Most viewed photo summer 2021
The most viewed photo of a #footmaster with hot #malefeet was this photo of the #germanmaster and #musclestud #godjaden more of this great #footking on #mastertim (940 photos and good videos) http://www.mastertim.de/jaden.html
MasterRick Summer 2021 update
The 19 yo #htxmaster and #footprince #masterrick and his hot #malefeet 100 new photos on #mastertim http://www.mastertim.de/masterrick.html