Best CigarSmoker ?

Hey happy friday, if you got a #cigarfetish vote for the best #alphamaster and #footdom smoking a cigar is it a #romanianmaster like #mastercaramel #masterstero or an #ukmaster like #kinghampton or #masterabsolut ? Vote here

CubanAlpha Sep 2020

The #legendarymaster and #footking the great #cubanalpha a #footdom from Florida with hot #malefeet #hugefeet even with realtime #footslaves is back 660 photos of this #daddymaster and his contact infos on #mastertim

ProllMaster September 2020

The #germanmaster and #footking the legendary #prollmaster 2100 photos of his #malefeet #ranksocks and hot #sneakers you can only find exclusive on #mastertim + his #whatsapp info

MasterHause Sep 2020

The Top 1 #michiganmaster #alphahause is back with an update 22 yo #americanmaster and #footmaster with smelly #malefeet and hot worn #malesocks #sockfetish cam approved 200 photos and 5 videos = 18 mins on #mastertim