Top 13-20 February 2022

Hey #footslaves and #footfans who is your fav #footmaster with the hottest #malefeet on the new #footkingspoll ? Is it an #italianmaster like #alphacashgod or #masteraxl or an #americanmaster like #alphajon or #alpha777 a #legendarymaster like #majestyamar or the #ukmaster #masterdanny If you want to be part of the poll or get a special VIPpass […]

Top 10 Summer 2021

Hey #footslaves and fans of hot #malefeet the message yesterday was wrong we got a new Top 10 of the best #footmasters Summer 2021 Top 1 #godjaden Top 2 #masterdax Top 3 #alpha777 Top 4 #masterdanny Vote for your fav #footdom again on #footkingspoll

Happy 4th of July

Dear #americanfans #americanslaves #americanmaster and fans of #malefeet Happy 4th of July !!! Wish you all the best, thanx USA without we would be nothing !!! more as always on my websites #mastertim and #feetpower

Votes from Bucharest 2021

Hi #footslaves and #footfans here are the votes from Bucharest choosen by the #musclestud and #footdom #mastercaramel a #legendarymaster skype=geogio50 5. #godjaden 4. #alphajon 3. # #mastersean 2. #alpha777 1. #sneakermaster And best for sure the #footdom #kingcaramel a friend of #mastertim Vote on your own as well #footkingspoll

Best Master in Boots

Hey #footfans who is your fav #footmaster in boots #bootmaster #bootedmaster is it #godjaden #germanpimp #alpha777 or #masterdrc2 or another #footdom with hot #timberland #leatherboots ? Please vote on #footkingspoll