Jury Votes Easter 2023

Hey #footslaves and fans of the #malefeet We got a new Top 10 #juryvotes for best #footmaster #footdom Tganx to the jury for the votes, contact me on skype=footkings if you want to be jurymember or #footking as well. Last chance to vote on your own!!! http://www.footkingspoll.de/jury.html

Happy New Year 2023

Happy New Year 2023, fans of #malefeet thanx for following, as always the #footking with most likes get the special first promo thanx #musclestud #mastercaramel in January live in Scotland,thanx for to being over 10 years a #master on #mastertim with 1430 photos and good videos and more to come http://www.mastertim.de/

Top 4 Autumn 2022

Yuhu #footslaves and fans of hot #malefeet We got a new Top 4 of your fav #footmasters Top 4= #masterrick Top 3 = #mastercaramel Top 2 = #germanpimp Top 1 = #godjaden Thanx for your votes and please vote again on #footkingspoll http://www.footkingspoll.de/

Votes from Bucharest

Hello #footslaves and fans of #malefeet Here are the votes from Bucharest choosen by the #legendarymaster and #footdom the great #mastercaramel skype=geogio50 Do a voting video on your own and/or vote on the current #footkingspoll 5. #godjaden 4. #blueboss 3. #prollmaster 2. #kingalex 1. #caramelmaster http://www.footkingspoll.de/

JuryVotes October 2022

Hey #footslaves and fans of #malefeet the international jury on #footkingspoll found a new Top 10 , thanx to Cory and the Masters that did voting videos for #footmasters Who is your fav #footdom ? Vote as well!!! UK your video missing, Italy and China as well http://www.footkingspoll.de/jury.html