Top 41-50 December 2020

The Top 41-50 of your fav #footmasters with hottst #malefeet is ready is it an #amaricanmaster like #morpheus or the #italianfindom #masteraxl or the #greekmaster #arkantos or the #legendarymaster #romanianmaster #masterstero vote again on #footkingspoll

Who is the best Master from SouthEurope ?

Who is your fav #footmaster from #southeurope with hottest #malefeet ? A #frenchmaster #spanishmaster #greekmaster #italianmaster ? Vote for the best #footdom on #footkingspoll

Top 3 = MasterPdiddy

Top 3 on #footkingspoll is the great #footballer #masterpdiddy mixed #frenchmaster #italianmaster #scottishmaster with hot #malefeet and amazing #dirtysocks a good #footmaster vote for him again here