ProllMaster September 2020

The #germanmaster and #footking the legendary #prollmaster 2100 photos of his #malefeet #ranksocks and hot #sneakers you can only find exclusive on #mastertim + his #whatsapp info

Top 21-30 Autumn

You are all awesome 32446 votes on #footkingspoll for the best #footmaster with hottest #malefeet was the most since 2009 when we started, special thanx to the #footfans that make this happens and for sure to you the #footdoms that do the good stuff, and the jury that helps me a lot, special thanx to […]

Best NorthernGerman Footking

Hey #footslaves and fans of #malefeet Who is the best #germanmaster from #northgermany #hamburgmaster #berlinmaster please vote for your fav #germanalpha on #footkingspoll

Top 14 = ProllMaster

Top 14 on #footkingspoll is the great #prollmaster a #footmaster with real #footslaves and hot #malefeet often do real session #germanmaster #hamburgmaster 2030 exclusive photos and first slave humilating video 5 mins only on my website and his whatsappinfo for members

ProllMaster March 2020

The #legendarymaster the #germanmaster and #findom the great #prollmaster hot #malefeet a real #dominantmaster with #realtimeslaves in NRW,Bavaria, Berlin,Hamburg,Spain a cam approved #skypemaster never do silly rtgames just real not fake only fans sites whatsapp for members 8 years on #mastertim with 2010 exclusive photos only on my site