The votes from #masterbruce from #LowerSaxony for the best #footmasters on #footkingspoll with the hottest #malefeet goes to : 6. #blueboss 5. #mastercaramel 4. #mastertako 3. # germanalpha 2. # godjaden 1. #masterbruce Vote on yourself as well here
Top 6 = Master Caramel
On Top 6 of the #footkingspoll is the #musclestud and #footmaster #mastercaramel a #legendarymaster and #findom with hot #malefeet 1345 photos and 50 videos (147 mins) on #mastertim skype=geogio50
Votes from Bucharest 2021
Hi #footslaves and #footfans here are the votes from Bucharest choosen by the #musclestud and #footdom #mastercaramel a #legendarymaster skype=geogio50 5. #godjaden 4. #alphajon 3. # #mastersean 2. #alpha777 1. #sneakermaster And best for sure the #footdom #kingcaramel a friend of #mastertim Vote on your own as well #footkingspoll
The votes from Frankfurt
Hi #footfans and #footslaves here are the votes from Frankfurt for the best #footmasters with the hottest #malefeet 5. #kinghampton 4. #mastersean 3. #mastercaramel 2. #alphajon 1. #godjaden If you have a voting video as well or you want to be part of the #footkingspoll contact me skype= footkings Vote for your fav #footdom here […]
Votes from Paris
The votes from Paris for the best #footmaster with the hottest #malefeet comes from #frenchmaster and #scottishmaster the great #masterpdiddy #footballerfeet 5. #dommaster22 4. #mastercaramel 3. #kingtanned 2. #germanpimp 1. #footmasterpiddy
MasterCaramel update
The #legendarymaster and #footking the great #mastercaramel and his hot #malefeet is finally back with an update 35 new exclusive photos + 2 new videos = 4 mins now 1246 photos and 50 videos =147 mins of this #footdom online only on #mastertim
Top 21-30 Winter 2020
Who is the best #footmaster with hottest #malefeet ? #mastercaramel #mastertimothy or the #legendarymaster #mastercaramel #musclestud or #prollmaster or #nzmaster please vote for the best #footdom again on #footkingspoll
MasterCaramel Oct 2020
You remember the #legendarymaster #mastercaramel the #musclestud and famous #footdom the #suprememaster #dubaimaster with #realslaves 3 times winner of #footkingspoll the #findom 1310 photos and 48 videos =143 minutes more on #mastertim
Best CigarSmoker ?
Hey happy friday, if you got a #cigarfetish vote for the best #alphamaster and #footdom smoking a cigar is it a #romanianmaster like #mastercaramel #masterstero or an #ukmaster like #kinghampton or #masterabsolut ? Vote here
Top 31-40 Autumn 2020
Hi #footslaves and fans of hot #malefeet we got a new Top 31-40 of your fav #footmasters was suprise to me, cause thought some of the legendary Masters on higher position Please vote for your fav #footdom on #footkingspoll again