Top 18 = MasterCaramel

The #legendarymaster #mastercaramel @caramel_master #romanianmaster #dubaimaster #cigarsmoker with hot outfit and #malefeet is Top 18 on #footkingspoll 1365 photos and good videos on #mastertim

Top 3 = MasterJordi

Happy sunday, #footfans on Top 3 of the #footkingspoll is #masterjordi a #footmaster and #musclestud best #spanishmaster from #barcelona with hot #malefeet and #ranl socks vote for him on #footkingspoll more on #mastertim

Top 8 = Dommaster22

Happy Monday #footslaves on Top 8 on the #footkingspoll about the #footmasters with hottest #malefeet is the germanmaster #dommaster22 if you want to be part of the votingpoll contact me skype=footkings

MasterDominus is finally back

The #legendarymaster and #footking the great #masterdominus and his hot #malefeet is finally back with an update, this #footdom looking for new #footslaves skype=dominus_omar all over the world, 865 photos and some good videos of this #footmaster on