Master Stero Halloween 2019

The #legendarymaster the great #footmaster #masterstero is back with an update 1590 photos of this #footdom and his #malefeet on #mastertim as well 60 videos = 77 mins you can find about this #straightmaster #skypemaster #realtimemaster on

KingAlex the trustfull Alpha

The legendary #kingalex first #footmaster from Romania before the hater sites starts (Leon 70 yo+wannabe masters), 14 years a #footking on #mastertim best #romanianmaster a trustfull #straightmaster hot smelly #malefeet many #rtslaves a great friend 3425 photos and many videos only on

New RomanianMaster

A new 28yo #RomanianMaster and #footmaster is #Alpha1337 „Imagine how it will be to be mine, close your eyes, taste it, feel it, because that’s what i really want. You feeling powerless, yet strong under my total control, that’s what you truly desire. The only question remains, will you try to stop the addiction?“ skype= […]