MasterMorpheus Spring 2021

The #legendarymaster and footking #mastermorpheus the great #michiganmaster with hot #malefeet is back 330 photos and 14 videos = 96 mins on #mastertim a trustfull #footdom #straightalphamaster

Top1 GodJaden

Yuhu we have a new Top 1 on #footkingspoll the well known #musclestud #godjaden #godofabs #kingofabs #jadenflex the powerfull #footmaster and his #giantfeet #giantmuscles vote for this #giantmaster and his #malefeet and #bigmuscles again skype=godofabs

Top 6 = Master Caramel

On Top 6 of the #footkingspoll is the #musclestud and #footmaster #mastercaramel a #legendarymaster and #findom with hot #malefeet 1345 photos and 50 videos (147 mins) on #mastertim skype=geogio50

Top 10 = MasterStero

Top 10 of the #footkingspoll March 2021 is the #romanianmaster and #straightalpha the great #masterstero and his hot #malefeet 1694 photos and 65 vids (82 mins) on #mastertim Vote for him here

Votes from Bucharest 2021

Hi #footslaves and #footfans here are the votes from Bucharest choosen by the #musclestud and #footdom #mastercaramel a #legendarymaster skype=geogio50 5. #godjaden 4. #alphajon 3. # #mastersean 2. #alpha777 1. #sneakermaster And best for sure the #footdom #kingcaramel a friend of #mastertim Vote on your own as well #footkingspoll

Most viewed photos Winter 2020/21

The most viewed photo of a #footmaster and his #malefeet in December 2020 was this photo of #germanpimp and in January 2021 this photo of #frenchmaster #masterkhal more of this #footdoms on #mastertim

Votes from Greece

The votes from Greece for the best #footmaster with hottest #malefeet choosen by #greekmaster #masterarkantos goes to : 5. #sneakermaster 4. #germanpimp 3. #dommaster22 2. #germanalpha 1. #arkantos skype= live:.cid.d10924b59548f7d or Master Arkantos Vote for you fav #foodom on #footkingspoll as well

MasterTako´s votes 2021

The votes from michigan choosen by the #michiganmaster and #footmaster #mastertako for #footkingspoll #footmaster with hottest #malefeet goes to : 5. #alphajon 4. #masterjake 3. #masterike 2. #masterdominus 1. #takomaster skype=master.tako 320 photos and 15 videos only on #mastertim