A new 21 yo #americanmaster from Oklahoma is the #footprince MasterSpirit with hot #malefeet 90 photos on #feetpower http://www.feetpower.de
MasterStero October 2019
MasterStero the #romanianmaster and #footking hot #malefeet real #findom with #realslaves 1550 photos of this #alphamaster and 59 videos on #mastertim http://www.mastertim.de
MasterJackAdam September 2019
The #alphamaster #germanmaster #arabicmaster a cam approved #footdom #masterjackadam ready for online and realtime domination 140 photos and contactinfos on #mastertim http://www.mastertim.de
The great #ukmaster the #footdom #masterbuffer with size UK 10 #malefeet hot #foootmaster with realtime #footslaves 30 photos first video and his contact infos on #mastertim http://www.mastertim.de
ItalianMaster Axl
The young #italianmaster and #footking the #straightmaster and #footdom #masteraxl first photos of his hot #malefeet and contact infos on #feetpower http://www.feetpower.de
Master Heem update
The 20 yo #americanmaster the cam approved MasterHeem with size US13 #malefeet 35 photos and contact infos on http://www.mastertim.de
MasterStevie 2019
The famous BostonGod the great MasterStevie aka MasterShawn is back with new photos and an 7 minute video hot footmaster with size 11 malefeet more on http://www.mastertim.de
Competition best tattoos
Special competition: Master with best tattoos Which #footking #footdom has the best tattoos is the best #tattedmaster ? Please vote on #footkingspoll http://www.footkingspoll.de/award9.html
Mister Pump
The CaliMaster and Musclestud MrPump straight #alphamaster with hot #malefeet vote for him if you wanna see more http://www.footkingspoll.de/newbies.html
Master Bryn September 2019 update
The #ukmaster and #footking #masterbryn 6ft2 | 15st | 23 | UK SIZE 10 ALPHA FEET | STRAIGHT CashMaster | Domination | 125 photos and contact info on #mastertim http://www.mastertim.de