The votes from Frankfurt

Hi #footfans and #footslaves here are the votes from Frankfurt for the best #footmasters with the hottest #malefeet 5. #kinghampton 4. #mastersean 3. #mastercaramel 2. #alphajon 1. #godjaden If you have a voting video as well or you want to be part of the #footkingspoll contact me skype= footkings Vote for your fav #footdom here […]

DomMaster22 update 2021

The Top 10 #footdom and #musclestud the great #dommaster22 aka #prince22german is back with an update hot #malefeet a #berlinmaster with real #footslaves 400 photos and contact infos of this #alphamaster on #mastertim

Top 61 – 70 online

Hey #footslaves and fans of #malefeet who is your fav #footdom from Top 61-70 an #americanmaster like #james22 with a #realslave or an #romanianmaster like #masterzian #masterthanoss or a #latinomaster like #masterchico or the #germanmaster #kingluca time to vote on #footkingspoll

MasterZayne is a new FootDom

A new 18 yo #footmaster and #cashmaster is the awesome #masterZayne great #americanmaster #htxmaster with hot #malefeet #teenmaster and #SlaveOwner | onlyfans-zaynemaster Cashapp- $alphazaynn Vote for him on #footkingspoll today

GodJaden November 2020

Your Top 1 #footking and #musclestud the awesome #godjaden aka #godofabs is back with an update now 750 photos of his hot muscles #masterflex #jadenflex and #malefeet on #mastertim

AlphaJon Oct 2020

The Top 10 #footking wordlwide the #alphajon an #americanmaster award winning #footdom best #hugefeet size14 best #eastcoastmaster 100 photos of this #musclestud and his #malefeet and contactinfo on

MasterThanoss Oct 2020

The #romanianmaster and #musclestud the # #straightmaster #Thanoss 170 photos of this #footdom and famous #bodybuilder #daddymaster and his #malefeet on #mastertim