The #romanianmaster and #musclestud the great #footdom #masterthanoss skype=MasterThanoss First 60 photos on #mastertim
Top 1-3 Spring 2020
Happy Easter!! We got a new Top 3 of your fav #footmaster with the hottest #malefeet Thanx for your votes on #footkingspoll for the best #footdom Top3 = GerPimp Top2= Pdiddy Top1 = GodJaden you can vote now on all polls again
TOP 4 = MasterStero
Happy Easter !!! On Top 4 of the #footkingspoll is the #romanianmaster and #footdom #masterstero Vote as well for your fav #footmaster with hottest #malefeet
Top 5 is ProllMaster
Top 5 on #footkingspoll is the #germanmaster and #findom #prollmaster 2010 photos of this #alphamale and his #malefeet only on #mastertim
Easterspecial win a free passcode
The #easterspecial, I hide 5 easter eggs Each egg has a letter on it bring them in right order, give me on skype =footkings the right solution word you get 1 month free acccess to my websites
MasterBlake now on feetpower
The #youngalpha and #teenmaster the great #masterblake with size 13 #malefeet first 35 photos and a 3 miniunte video on
American AlphaAlex
The 20 yo #americanmaster #alphaalex a #footmaster with size 12 #malefeet more on #feetpower
A new 20 yo #americanmaster from Atlanta is #footking #DonLivingJ with a size 13 #malefeet a #straightdom #blackmaster #webcammaster skype= DonLiving Jay Vote for him on #footkingspoll
Top 6-10 Spring 2020
Happy friday #footfans and #footslaves We got a new Top 6-10 of your fav #footkings #footmasters with the hottest #malefeet hope you all remain healthy and would be great if you vote again on #footkingspoll
Happy Birthday GodJaden
Happy birthday #godjaden aka #godofabs Top 1 #footmaster on #footkingspoll with hot muscles #musclestud and hot #malefeet 685 photos and 9 videos on #mastertim