MajestyAmar´s votes

Thanx to #majestyamar @FootKingAmar for his votes on #footkingspoll about the best #footmaster with hot #malefeet #cubanalpha #kingmatt #spanishmaster #morpheus #kingamar vote as well here

Top 21-30 February 2022

The new Top 21-30 of your fav #footmasters with hot #malefeet is ready on #footkingspoll is the best #footdom #cubanalpha #mastermorpheus #spanishmaster #masterluis or #lamaster #james22 please vote here

Top 41-50 March 2021

Happy sunday my friends and #footfans the Top 41-50 of your fav #footdoms with hottest #malefeet is ready #americanmaster #morpheus or #size14feet #masterrobert or a #germanmaster like #teenmasterjohn or #ukmaster #masteralbie or #cubanmaster or #masterdeano ?? Vote on #footkingspoll today

Top 51-60 Winter 2020

Happy sunday #footslaves and fans of hot #malefeet just updated the Top 51-60 of your fav #footmasters is it #rimanianmaster #sirkenzo or #ukmaster #diamond or an #americanmaster like #domgymmaster or #cubanalpha vote on #footkingspoll

CubanAlpha Sep 2020

The #legendarymaster and #footking the great #cubanalpha a #footdom from Florida with hot #malefeet #hugefeet even with realtime #footslaves is back 660 photos of this #daddymaster and his contact infos on #mastertim

Best EastCoastMaster

Who is the best #americanmaster from the eastcoast #eastcoastmaster with hottest #malefeet on #footkingspoll ? A #floridamaster like #cubanalpha or a #bostonmaster or young #masterspirit or #masterdustin vote for the best #footmaster here if you got a #footfetish