BrownStallion February 2021

The #americanmaster and #musclestud the great #brownstallion is back with 80 photos of his #malefeet size13 #footmaster more of this #footdom you can find on #feetpower

MuscleGod10 a new King

A new #balkanmaster #footking and #musclestud is the #bulgarianmaster #musclegod10 worship the muscles and #malefeet of this #alphamale good skype= avatar_energy Vote for him on #footkingspoll

Size15master Robert

The #americanmaster and #footdom the great #size15master #size15footmaster Robert #Alphamale 6’9 #giantmaster #cashmaster size and #skypemaster first 40 photos of this #footmaster now on #mastertim

MasterJ is a new footking

A new #americanmaster and #footking is #masterj a #firefighter with hot #malefeet size 13.5 #hugefeet cashapp: $masterj43 Skype= live:.cid.d45d3ed74b1c8200 Vote for this #footdom on #footkingspoll

Votes from Bucharest 2021

Hi #footslaves and #footfans here are the votes from Bucharest choosen by the #musclestud and #footdom #mastercaramel a #legendarymaster skype=geogio50 5. #godjaden 4. #alphajon 3. # #mastersean 2. #alpha777 1. #sneakermaster And best for sure the #footdom #kingcaramel a friend of #mastertim Vote on your own as well #footkingspoll

Most viewed photos Winter 2020/21

The most viewed photo of a #footmaster and his #malefeet in December 2020 was this photo of #germanpimp and in January 2021 this photo of #frenchmaster #masterkhal more of this #footdoms on #mastertim

KingHampton February 2021

The great #ukmaster #englishmaster #tattedmaster the famous #kinghampton and his hot #malefeet is back with an update on #mastertim 30 new photos and 12 mins slave video worship this #straightalpha good now 525 photos and contact infos on #mastertim