Top 3 = KingHampton

Happy Sunday #footfans on Top 3 you can find a great man the #ukmaster and #tattedmaster the #tattoomaster #kinghampton a #footdom with realtime #footslaves skype= live:rwood07 hot #malefeet and #tattoos Vote for him on #footkingspoll again please

KingHampton Nov 2020

The #legendarymaster and #footking the great #kinghampton an #ukmaster with best tattoos #tattedmaster #tattoomaster and hot #malefeet cam approved #skypemaster with realtime #footslaves is back with 50 new photos and contactinfos as well on #mastertim

KingHampton Oct 2020

The #legendarymaster and #footking the #ukmaster #kinghampton is back with an update of his hot #malefeet now 420 photos and 16 videos of this #tattedmaster #tattoomaster on #mastertim even with his little #footslave