Top 2 = GermanPimp

Happy #halloween #footfans and fans of the #malefeet on Top 2 on #footkingspoll you voted #modelmaster #gerpimpa great #straighalpha with hot shoes #shoefetish Vote for him or your fav #footdom again please here:

GermanPimp August 2021

The #germanmaster and #footking the #modelmaster #germanpimp is back with 30 exclusive photos of his #malefeet and a 4 mins video now 540 photos of this #footdom #cashgolem only on mastertim and 19 videos= 61 minutes for #footslaves

Your Top 6 = GermanPimp

Hey #footfans on Top 6 is the #germanmaster the #modelmaster and #musclestud the #germanpimp with his hot #malefeet thanx for your votes on #footkingspoll 480 photos, contactinfos and good videos on #mastertim

GermanPimp April 2021

The #germanmaster and #musclestud the #modelmaster #germanpimp is back with an update of his hot #malefeet 40 new photos and an exclusive 4 mins video of this #footmaster now on #mastertim

GermanPimp March 2021

The #germanmaster and #modelmaster the great #germanpimp and his hot #malefeet a Top #footdom is back with 30 new photos now you can find 440 photos of this #germanalpha and hot videos on #masterstim and his as well

GerPimp update December 2020

The #germanmasterr and #footking the great #gerpimp #moneypimp the #modelmaster with hot #malefeet #alphamaster and #footdom #skypemaster is back with 70 exclusive fotos and 3 videos = 8 minutes on #mastertim

GermanPimp November 2020

The #germanmaster and #footking the great #germanpimp is back with an update 25 new photos of his #malefeet and #shoes of this #modelmaster and #musclestud now online on #mastertim