Top 20 = MasterTako

On Top 20 of the #footkingspoll about best #footmaster with hottest #malefeet you can find #mastertako an #legendarymaster and #alphamaster #latinomaster #michiganmaster with 320 photos on #mastertim vote for him here again

Top 21-30

Yuhu #footfans your Top 21-30 of best #footmasters with the hottest #malefeet is ready Who is you fav #footdom is it #germanalpha or the #mastersilvester or an #americanmaster like #mastermorpheus or #alphajon #cubanalpha or you like #ukmaster #alphaben the most please vote

Top 30 = StraightAlphaTeen

Top 30 on #footkingspoll is the 19yo #ukmaster #straightalphagod an approved #teenmaster #footdom whit hot #malefeet and smelly #dirtysocks famous for his #fruitsocks vote for him on #footkingspoll today

Top 71-100 Summer 2020

Hey #footslaves and #footfans we have the new Top 71-100 of the best #footmasters with the hottest #malefeet and best #sockmaster Thanx for your votes on #footkingspoll you can vote for the best #footdom now again

Final Jury/SocialMedia votes May 2020

Hi #footfans #footslaves and #footmasters we counted out the socialmedia and jury votes for the best #malefeet and best #footking on #footkingspoll You can still vote for on your own here till friday

Best MichiganMaster ?

Hi #footslaves and fans of hot #malefeet Who is your fav #michiganmaster and #americanmaster who is best #footmaster ? Please vote on #footkingspoll today next to come best #westcoastmaster and #eastcoastmaster bow down lick the #smellyfeet and vote