Happy Sunday fans of #malefeet Who is your fav #footmaster in bathroom ? Is it an #americanmaster #masterdax #masterrobert #mastercasper or the #nzmaster or a #germanmaster #godjaden #masterbruce or you ? Mail me your photo or contact me on skype=footkings Vote here please http://www.footkingspoll.de/award22.html
MasterBruce June 2022
The #germanmaster and #footprince #masterbruce the #alphabozz84 is back with an update 825 photos of his #malefeet on #mastertim www.mastertim.de/
Top 5 = MasterBruce
Happy weekend #footslaves and fans of #malefeet Top 5 on the current #footkingspoll is the #germanmaster and #footprince #masterbruce vote here again http://www.footkingspoll.de/top10.html
Results SocialMedia Spring 2022
Hi #footslaves and fans of the #malefeet the jury of #footkingspoll counted the likes on socialmedia for best #footmaster 1. #spanishmaster 2. #masterjordi 3. #masterjess 4. #masterharv 5. #masterbruce 6. #godjaden and who is your fav #footdom vote http://www.footkingspoll.de/
Most viewed photo March 22= MasterBruce
Hola #footslaves and fans of #malefeet the most viewed photo of a #footmaster on #mastertim March2022 was this photo of #germanprince #germanalpha #masterbruce 755 photos and contact infos here : http://www.mastertim.de/masterbruce.html
Jury Votes March 2022
Happy weekend #footslaves and fans of hot #malefeet the jury of #footkingspoll #footfans from all over the world voted for the best #footmaster #godjaden #germanpimp #masterrobert #masterbruce #spanishmaster #masterjordi #englishking #alphasaint and who is your fav vote today here http://www.footkingspoll.de/
MasterBruce March 22
The #germanmaster and #footprice #masterbruce is back 30 new exclusive photos of this #alphamaster and his #malefeet on #mastertim so now 755 photos of this #footmaster waiting for you http://www.mastertim.de/
MasterBruce Feb 2022
The #germanmaster and #footprince #masterbruce is back 50 new photos of his #malefeet #ranksocks and #nikeshoes online on #mastertim #alphamaster since 2018 with 725 exclusive photos on http://www.mastertim.de/
Master Bruce update 2022
The #germanmaster and #footking the #punkmaster and #twinkmaster #masterbruce and his dirty #malefeet 675 photos and 1 video of this #footprince and his #skypeid to find on mastertim http://www.mastertim.de/
MasterBruce December 2021
The #germanmaster and #footprince #masterbruce is back with an update 655 photos of this #footmaster and his hot #malefeet you can find on #mastertim http://www.mastertim.de/