The votes from MasterZian

The votes from #masterzian the #romanianmaster and #musclestud for the #footmasters with the hottest #malefeet are Top 5 = #masterthanoss Top 4 = #sirkenzo Top 3 = #masterxander Top 2 = #masterstero Top 1 = #zianmaster Vote on your own as well on the #footkingspoll

MasterCaramel update

The #legendarymaster and #footking the great #mastercaramel and his hot #malefeet is finally back with an update 35 new exclusive photos + 2 new videos = 4 mins now 1246 photos and 50 videos =147 mins of this #footdom online only on #mastertim

MasterSilvester Winter 2020

The #romanianmaster the #tattedmaster and #footdom #mastersilvester is finally back with new stuff of his hot #malefeet 180 photos and the first video of this #footmaster on #mastertim new skypeid as well

Top 41-50 December 2020

The Top 41-50 of your fav #footmasters with hottst #malefeet is ready is it an #amaricanmaster like #morpheus or the #italianfindom #masteraxl or the #greekmaster #arkantos or the #legendarymaster #romanianmaster #masterstero vote again on #footkingspoll

Top 61 – 70 online

Hey #footslaves and fans of #malefeet who is your fav #footdom from Top 61-70 an #americanmaster like #james22 with a #realslave or an #romanianmaster like #masterzian #masterthanoss or a #latinomaster like #masterchico or the #germanmaster #kingluca time to vote on #footkingspoll

KingAlex is finally back

The #legendarymaster and #footking 15 years a #footmaster on #mastertim the great #kingalex is back with an update hot #nikeshoes #malefeet 3505 exclusive photos and 105 videos of this #straightalpha on

Last chance to vote

Last chance #footfans and #footslaves who is the best #footmaster with hottest #malefeet ? An #germanmaster like #gerpimp #godjaden #blueboss or an #americanmaster #michiganmaster like #mastermorpheus or an #ukmaster like #kinghampton or #romanianmaster like #masterstero Or another #footdom vote please on #footkingspoll

JhonnyKing is a new FootMaster

A new #romanianmaster and #footmaster is #jhonnyking ALPHA MALE from nature , born to humiliate,use and drain cashslaves and foot worhipers….. Great #footdom and #daddymaster with hot #malefeet skype=live:alphamasterbi Vote for him on #footkingspoll