King Alex 2022

Hey #footslaves and fans of #malefeet the #legendarymaster #kingalex the #romanianmaster is back with an update a #straightalpha with hot #alphafeet 3520 photos and many videos of this #footdom on #mastertim

Votes from KingAlex 2021

Hey #footslaves and fans of #malefeet wish you a happy weekend Here are the votes for the best #footmaster on #footkingspoll choosen by the #legendarymaster the #romanianmaster #kingalex Top 5= #masterstero Top 4= #prollmaster Top 3 = #masterbruce Top 2 = #kinghampton Top 1 = #masteralex skype= handsomeguyxx 3500 photos and 105 videos of this […]

KingAlex is finally back

The #legendarymaster and #footking 15 years a #footmaster on #mastertim the great #kingalex is back with an update hot #nikeshoes #malefeet 3505 exclusive photos and 105 videos of this #straightalpha on

Top 31-40 Autumn 2020

Hi #footslaves and fans of hot #malefeet we got a new Top 31-40 of your fav #footmasters was suprise to me, cause thought some of the legendary Masters on higher position Please vote for your fav #footdom on #footkingspoll again

Who is the best RomanianMaster ?

Who is the best #romanianmaster the most dominant #footmaster with hottest #malefeet and best #skypeshows ? Please vote for your fav Romanian #footdom and #alphamale on #footkingspoll

KingAlex Bday 14.Feb

The #legendarymaster #kingalex 15 years a #footdom and #footking on #mastertim #footkingspoll is back with an update of his sweaty #malefeet His Birthday is on 14.February buy him something and check out exclusive 3445 photos and 102 video of this #footmaster on