Top 1-3 Spring 2020

Happy Easter!! We got a new Top 3 of your fav #footmaster with the hottest #malefeet Thanx for your votes on #footkingspoll for the best #footdom Top3 = GerPimp Top2= Pdiddy Top1 = GodJaden you can vote now on all polls again

Jaden´s bday on 9th April

Not forget the bday of the Top1 #musclemaster #GodJaden on 9th April a great #musclestud with hot #malefeet #godofabs many years a #footmaster on #coronapump buy him a gift or worship him on cam skype = godofabs More about #jadenflex the #germanalpha on

JuryVotes March 2020

Here are the juryvotes March2020 for #footkingspoll best #footmaster with hottest #malefeet Big thanx to the great jury of #footfans who selected the best #footmaster from Germany,UK,USA,Brazil,Canada (special thanx to the CanadianJury) If you want to be part of this poll or get a #vippass for my sites or you have a #footfetish and want […]

GodJaden February 2020

The Top 1 #footking and #musclegod the awesome #musclestud the trustfull #godjaden aka #godofabs the rich #findom that makes #footslaves crawl on all 4´s and scream out his name daily is waiting for his gifts You ready to be his #footslave ? Jury said „We never saw such hot master before“ Step 1 buy him […]

Top 1 = GodJaden

With 523 votes you made the #germanmaster #godjaden Top 1 on #footkingspoll a trustfull #footking with hot #malefeet 6 years #footmaster on #mastertim he is the real #godofabs #kingofabs copied of so called #musclestuds but blood is stronger then water vote fo my #bloodbrother again on #footkingspoll