Hey #footslaves and fans of #malefeet on the new #footkingspoll you voted the #blkcashgod on Top 84 thanx for your votes for best #footmaster please vote again and if you want to be part of the poll contact me skype=footkings Vote here http://www.footkingspoll.de/top90.html
Top 51-70 Summer 2020
Hey #footfans #footslaves and fans of #malefeet I just updated the Top 51-70 of your fav #footmasters Thanx for your votes on #footkingspoll Who is your fav #footdom a #blackmaster a #indianmaster an #ukmaster a #calimaster a #romanianmaster or a #germanmaster please vote here http://www.footkingspoll.de/top60.html
A new 20 yo #americanmaster from Atlanta is #footking #DonLivingJ with a size 13 #malefeet a #straightdom #blackmaster #webcammaster skype= DonLiving Jay Vote for him on #footkingspoll http://www.footkingspoll.de/newbies.html
AlphaMaxx now on feetpower
The #blackmaster AlphaMaxx with size14 #hugefeet #malefeet is now with 40 photos and contact infos on #feetpower http://www.feetpower.de
AlphaMaxx the MichiganMaster
A new 24 yo #blackmaster and #findom is #alphamaxx #americanmaster #michiganmaster with #size14 #hugefeet I’m 6’5 and I weight 230 lbs size 14 many hot sneakers „Come get destroyed losers and dont come empty handed faggots!!“ skype= AlphaMaxx or live:138b16e271c90d4 Vote for this #alphablackking here http://www.footkingspoll.de/newbies.html
New BlackMaster
A new #americanmaster #blackmaster is the great #blkcashgod with huge #malefeet 23, 6’3, 205, size 11.5/12 „I’m special. I’m unique. I’m alpha. I deserve a luxury, leisure lifestyle“ skype/e-mail Adonis.ryland@gmail.com Vote for this #footmaster on #footkingspoll http://www.footkingspoll.de/newbies.html
Votes from England
Here are the votes from England for the best #footmaster on #footkingspoll with the hottest #malefeet 5. DarkMaster 4. MasterSole 3. AlphaBen 2. BlueBoss 1. MasterDeano Vote for your fav #footdom as well http://www.footkingspoll.de/top10.html
Master Jamal 2019
What you think about #princejamal size 12 #malefeetfeet #londonmaster and #findom enjoy more on http://www.feetpower.de