Voting Video GerPimp

Hey #footslaves and fans of the #malefeet Here is the Top 5 of #germanmaster #gerpimp aka #germancashgod 5. #blueboss 4. #mastercaramel 3. #dommaster22 2. #germanalpha 1. himself #germanpimp #modelmaster If you want to do your voting video as a #footmaster or even a footslave contact me on skype=footkings All the others please vote here on […]

Top 8 = Dommaster22

Happy Monday #footslaves on Top 8 on the #footkingspoll about the #footmasters with hottest #malefeet is the germanmaster #dommaster22 if you want to be part of the votingpoll contact me skype=footkings

Top 31-40 Summmer 2021

Happy weekend fans of #malefeet Who is your fav #footmaster Summer 2021 ? is it a #germanmaster ? #dommaster22 or #masterbruce or the #spanishmaster #masterjordi or #romanianmaster #bossstero or #ukmaster #masterfelix ? Vote for your fav #footdom on #footkingspoll again

Most viewed photo November 2020

This photo of the #germanmaster and #findom #dommaster22 aka #germanprince22 the #berlinmaster with hot #malefeet and realtime #footslaves was the most viewed photo of a #footmaster in November 2020 more of this #alphamaster you can find on #mastertim 300 photos and 5 videos