Best Master in trainers/sneakers?

Which #footmaster wear the hottest #sportshoes #trainers #sneakers you prefer #nikeshoes or #adidasshoes vote for best #footdom with hottest #malefeet #shoefetish on #footkingspoll

ProllMaster Nov 2019

Der #prollmaster a #germanmaster and #cashking cam approved #alphamale with hot #malefeet and realtime #footslaves 1970 exclusive photos of this #footmaster only on #mastertim

Tag der Deutschen Einheit

Hey #footslaves and fans of #malefeet today is TagDerEinheit #Germanunityday no more walls and we united , yuhu and who is your fav #germanmaster with hottest #malefeet thanx so much for your support you all awesome no Leon or idot can tear us apart again please vote on #footkingspoll

Votes from Cluj, Romania

And we got the votes from CLUJ, Romania #romanianmaster then #masterstero #godjaden #kingalex #prollmaster #sirshao thanx vote on your own on #footkingspoll new masters welcome contact me on skype=footkings