Top 31-40 May 2021

Thanx for all the votes on #footkingspoll for the #footmaster with hottest #malefeet Who is your fav #footdom May 2021 #sirshao or #alphahoward or #domgymmaster or the #footprince from berlin #dom19 or somebody else feel free to vote

SirShao`s votes

Hi #footfans here are the votes from the #legendarymaster #sirshao for the recent #footkingspoll about the #footmasters with hottest #malefeet 835 photos of #mastershao and 23 videos on #mastertim

Top 81-100 March 2021

Hi #footfans thanx for the votes for the best #footmaster with the hottest #malefeet on the #footkingspoll The Top 81-100 list of the best #footdoms online vote again please

Top 61-80 Autumn 2020

Happy weekend to the #footfans just updated the Top 61-80 of your fav #footmasters with the best #malefeet would be nice if you could vote for your fav #footdom as well on #footkingspoll #footfetish is good

Who is the best RomanianMaster ?

Who is the best #romanianmaster the most dominant #footmaster with hottest #malefeet and best #skypeshows ? Please vote for your fav Romanian #footdom and #alphamale on #footkingspoll