Best EastCoastMaster

Who is the best #americanmaster from the eastcoast #eastcoastmaster

with hottest #malefeet on #footkingspoll ?

A #floridamaster like #cubanalpha or a #bostonmaster

or young #masterspirit or #masterdustin vote for the best

#footmaster here if you got a #footfetish

Top1 = GodJaden

Hey #footslaves and #footfans thanx for your votes on #footkingspoll

Top 1 is #godjaden aka #godofabs a #germanmaster and THE #musclestud

97 kg / 200lbs pure muscles the #fitnessgod #bodybuilder with hot #malefeet

cam approved #skypemaster #straightalpha with #realtimeslaves #노예

more of this #footmaster you can find on #mastertim

Top 2 = GerPimp

Top 2 on #footkingspoll is the #modelmaster #gerpimp

a #germanmaster and #footdom with hot #malefeet

a geat #musclestud with good humilating #malefeetvideos

a #greedymaster with a hot smile when he makes #footslaves crawl fo him

more of this #footmaster you can find on #mastertim

Top 3 = MasterPdiddy

Top 3 on #footkingspoll is the great #footballer #masterpdiddy

mixed #frenchmaster #italianmaster #scottishmaster

with hot #malefeet and amazing #dirtysocks a good #footmaster

vote for him again here