Top 11-20 Summer 2021

Yuhu the Top 11-20 of your fav #footmasters with hottest #malefeet ready Is it an #americanmaster #kayden or #italianmaster #alphacashgod or #ukmaster #kingtanned or the #germanpimp ? Vote again on #footkingspoll

Best WestCoastMaster ?

Who is the best #americanmaster and #footmaster from the #westcoast ? #westcoastmaster #calimaster with hottest #malefeet? If you got a #footfetish please vote on #footkingspoll

Top 71-80 spring 2020

Thanx #footfans for your votes on #footkingspoll for the #footmaster with the hottest #malefeet we got a new Top 71-100 who is you fav #footdom or #footprince ? If you want to be part of the poll contact me skype=footkings or over e-mail please vote now again