Hey #footfans on Top 5 on the current #footkingspoll about the #footmaster with hottest #malefeet you can find the #americanmaster and best #westcoastmaster the #teenmaster #mastergata with 1351 points please vote again here for your fav #footdom on http://www.footkingspoll.de/top10.html
Best WestCoastMaster ?
Who is the best #americanmaster and #footmaster from the #westcoast ? #westcoastmaster #calimaster with hottest #malefeet? If you got a #footfetish please vote on #footkingspoll http://www.footkingspoll.de/award17.html
Master Jason
The great #americanmaster #sockguy hot size 12 #malefeet Master Jason #westcoastmaster Oregonian #footdom first stuff on http://www.mastertim.de