MasterSteros´s votes

Hey #footslaves and fans of hot #malefeet here are the Top 5 #footkings from Romania choosen by #legendarymaster #footmaster #masterstero 5. #mastertako 4. #kingalex 3. #mastershao 2. #godjaden 1. #bossstero More of him on #mastertim

MasterRobert size15 feet

A new #americanmaster and #giantmaster is the #footdom #masterrobert #Alphamale 6’9 with size15 #malefeet #hugefeet skype= live:.cid.84888f661c42cf4c you can vote for him on #footkingspoll

The votes from Frankfurt

Hi #footfans and #footslaves here are the votes from Frankfurt for the best #footmasters with the hottest #malefeet 5. #kinghampton 4. #mastersean 3. #mastercaramel 2. #alphajon 1. #godjaden If you have a voting video as well or you want to be part of the #footkingspoll contact me skype= footkings Vote for your fav #footdom here […]

MajestyAmar´s Votes

Here are the Top 5 #footmasters with hottest #malefeet the votes from #indianmaster #majestyamar aka #footkingamar 5. #usstevie 4. #masterbenny 3. #jackadams 2. #godjaden 1. #masteramar more stuff and videos to come in a few days skype= princeamar828 Vote for your fav #footking as well on #footkingspoll

Votes from Paris

The votes from Paris for the best #footmaster with the hottest #malefeet comes from #frenchmaster and #scottishmaster the great #masterpdiddy #footballerfeet 5. #dommaster22 4. #mastercaramel 3. #kingtanned 2. #germanpimp 1. #footmasterpiddy

The Votes from England

Here are the votes from England for the best #footmaster with the hottest #malefeet choosen by the #legendarymaster #kinghampton 5. #godjaden 4. #masterbruce 3. #mastersean 2. #kingalex 1. #kinghamptonalpha Vote on your own as well