The votes from Greece for the best #footmaster with hottest #malefeet choosen by #greekmaster #masterarkantos goes to : 5. #sneakermaster 4. #germanpimp 3. #dommaster22 2. #germanalpha 1. #arkantos skype= live:.cid.d10924b59548f7d or Master Arkantos Vote for you fav #foodom on #footkingspoll as well
Votes from Paris
The votes from Paris for the best #footmaster with the hottest #malefeet comes from #frenchmaster and #scottishmaster the great #masterpdiddy #footballerfeet 5. #dommaster22 4. #mastercaramel 3. #kingtanned 2. #germanpimp 1. #footmasterpiddy
Votes from NRW 2021
Hey #footfans here are the jury votes from North Rhine-Westphalia for the best #footmaster with the hottest #malefeet on #footkingspoll choosen by #germanpimp 5. #sneakermaster 4. #masterarkantos 3 #dommaster22 2 #germanalpha 1 #germanmoneypimp vote on your own today
DomMaster22 update 2021
The Top 10 #footdom and #musclestud the great #dommaster22 aka #prince22german is back with an update hot #malefeet a #berlinmaster with real #footslaves 400 photos and contact infos of this #alphamaster on #mastertim
Most viewed photo November 2020
This photo of the #germanmaster and #findom #dommaster22 aka #germanprince22 the #berlinmaster with hot #malefeet and realtime #footslaves was the most viewed photo of a #footmaster in November 2020 more of this #alphamaster you can find on #mastertim 300 photos and 5 videos
Top 21-30 Autumn
You are all awesome 32446 votes on #footkingspoll for the best #footmaster with hottest #malefeet was the most since 2009 when we started, special thanx to the #footfans that make this happens and for sure to you the #footdoms that do the good stuff, and the jury that helps me a lot, special thanx to […]
DomMaster22 May 2020
The #germanmaster nad #musclestud the greedy #dommaster22 is back with some new photos and a video of his #malefeet #guccishoes 300 photos and 5 videos of this #footdom with many #realslaves you can find on #mastertim
Top 6-10 Spring 2020
Happy friday #footfans and #footslaves We got a new Top 6-10 of your fav #footkings #footmasters with the hottest #malefeet hope you all remain healthy and would be great if you vote again on #footkingspoll
DomMaster22 March 2020
The #germanmaster and #footking #dommaster22 is back with new photos cam approved #skypemaster a #guccimaster with hot #malefeet and realtime #footslaves 275 photos and contact infos on #mastertim
JuryVotes March 2020
Here are the juryvotes March2020 for #footkingspoll best #footmaster with hottest #malefeet Big thanx to the great jury of #footfans who selected the best #footmaster from Germany,UK,USA,Brazil,Canada (special thanx to the CanadianJury) If you want to be part of this poll or get a #vippass for my sites or you have a #footfetish and want […]