Last chance to vote

Last chance #footfans and #footslaves who is the best #footmaster with hottest #malefeet ? An #germanmaster like #gerpimp #godjaden #blueboss or an #americanmaster #michiganmaster like #mastermorpheus or an #ukmaster like #kinghampton or #romanianmaster like #masterstero Or another #footdom vote please on #footkingspoll

Best CigarSmoker ?

Hey happy friday, if you got a #cigarfetish vote for the best #alphamaster and #footdom smoking a cigar is it a #romanianmaster like #mastercaramel #masterstero or an #ukmaster like #kinghampton or #masterabsolut ? Vote here

Top 31-40 Autumn 2020

Hi #footslaves and fans of hot #malefeet we got a new Top 31-40 of your fav #footmasters was suprise to me, cause thought some of the legendary Masters on higher position Please vote for your fav #footdom on #footkingspoll again

Top 9 = Master Stero

On Top 9 on #footkingspoll is the #legendarymaster #masterstero an approved #straightalpha with realtime #footslaves and hot #malefeet very dominant #footmaster vote for this #romanianmaster on #footkingspoll

Who is the best RomanianMaster ?

Who is the best #romanianmaster the most dominant #footmaster with hottest #malefeet and best #skypeshows ? Please vote for your fav Romanian #footdom and #alphamale on #footkingspoll

Best MaskedMaster Award

Hi my friends #footfans and #footslaves I know the situation with COVID-19 not easy and lockdown and quarantine sucks but some #footmasters was creative so vote for the best #footdom with a #coronamask please on #footkingspoll reamain healty

JuryVotes March 2020

Here are the juryvotes March2020 for #footkingspoll best #footmaster with hottest #malefeet Big thanx to the great jury of #footfans who selected the best #footmaster from Germany,UK,USA,Brazil,Canada (special thanx to the CanadianJury) If you want to be part of this poll or get a #vippass for my sites or you have a #footfetish and want […]