Message from MasterTako

Your Top #americanmaster and #latinomaster the legendary #mastertako the best #michiganmaster a free video of his #malefeet for the #footslaves 320 photos and 15 videos of this #footdom #alphamaster only on #mastertim

Most viewed photo Dec 2019

The most viewed photo Dec19 was an older photo of the #legendarymaster #masterdominus and the great #mastertako more recent stuff about this #footmasters and their #malefeet as always on my website #mastertim

Votes from GerPimp

We just got the votes from NRW choosen by the great new #germanmaster and #footking the #modelmaster #germanpimp aka #germancashgod Who is your fav #footdom with best #malefeet ? vote

Top 11-20 Summer 2019

Hello fans of #hugefeet and the best #footmasters with the hottest #malefeet we finally got a new Top 11-20 of your fav #footdoms #footalphas please vote again on #footkingspoll